Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The mind of an active mind

So she sat high and mighty at her candlelit dinner table. Forking through sea-weed, nicely set in a grey plastic dish, as her obese cat purred around, often brushing against her bare legs. Raptula was a good cat, unlike many other rowdy ones adopted from the street. He practised much patience, like his mistress.

She had had a bad day at work. Much too similar to yesterday. Or the day before. Like every single day life had shown her. Life, since she started earning a living for herself. What good could selling pebbles at the shore bring anyway? Other than a few obnoxious gestures from some creeps adorning man boobs.

You’d enjoy those gestures if you were a nympho. But Sigret. She wasn’t one. In fact she couldn’t even spell ‘nympho’. Or ‘sex’ for that matter. She was just 6.

Living alone in an abandoned beach house with a patient cat has its own charm though. Especially if you’re an imaginative 6 year old. You get to christen your name, your cat's name. You control its existence. Or your own for that matter.


Gunjeet Sra said...

prateek this is so good.
So much despair in this piece and been written so well.
After a very long time. Awesome :)

nidhi said...

like! :)

Anonymous said...

Prateek, This is Brilliant :)