Saturday, June 30, 2007

post A

okay, the last post was written while i was still under A. Hence, utterly unimpressive.(plus I'm not good at prose anyway) Ive decided to let it be, and not edit/refurbish it. The experience was scary and at the end of it all, i was superbly exhausted : passed out for 16 hrs straight.


Supernova said...

the last post/ prose was impressive. it had the conviction in it to make me want to try it..
but like you said.. "its the low that you are afraid of hitting that compels you to take it again.."

Prateek said...

really??...someone said that it needed improvement....but i dint edit it, lest it lose its authenticity.
my advice to you- DONT TRY IT

Supernova said...

dear duke,

i guess i dont have the guts to try it.. but your words made it sound so tryable (if there is a word) !!
besides, you were the advocate of "we should try stuff at least once for the heck of it ! "....
and i think its the right time for me to try it.. i need escape..

but seriously speaking, i thought it was honest and a well structured work of prose with immediate action of impulsive citings.. i can say that you can do better but then, at the state that you were in.. it was almost enchanting.. bravo !!

Prateek said...

"immediate action of impulsive citings" hence didnt redo it

Prateek said...

and if you need to escape..... there are safer ways

Unholy Saint said...

Lavda...I demand some sugar myself...The drudgry of this fucked up life, working in an atmosphere where you are stiffled beyond revival, the yearning to get back to what you want the most, the constant supression through weed and alcohol...dude, I'm trying
But it seems that things need to be on the right track soon or i'll be in the crux of an innuie that will devour my state of being...